Record Series Title
Record Series Title
Retention Schedule[Full Path]
Information Type
Keyword of [FullPath Or Essential Record Or Title Or Description Or Comments Or Code Or Record Type]
Record Series Code
Record Series Title
Minimum Retention
Agency Specific Schedules: University of Connecticut: Animal Research Administration
Calendar year end + 7 Year(s)
Disposition is 7 years from end of the calendar year to which the record pertains. Destroy after receipt of signed Form RC-108
This series documents data collected to account for the population of animals within a facility or facilities.
Last contact + 7 Year(s)
Destroy after receipt of signed Form RC-108
This series documents the transfer of an animal to the University of Connecticut. Including but not limited to donation agreements and records documenting the transfer of animals.
Calendar year end + 7 Year(s)
Disposition is 7 years from end of the calendar year to which the record pertains. Destroy after receipt of signed Form RC-108
This series documents the transfer of Non-USDA animal species to the University of Connecticut. Including but not limited to donation agreements and records documenting the transfer of animals.
Last action date + 7 Year(s)
7 years after date of last treatment or 3 years following the death of the animal, whichever comes first. Destroy after receipt of signed Form RC-108
This series documents the medical history of individual animals. Including but not limited to: medical evaluations; diagnostic test results; final necropsy reports; euthanasia records; accident, illness or incident reports;  vaccination certifications; breeding and foaling documentation including breed association registration papers; surgical records and other records documenting treatment by a veterinarian or authorized person. May include records transferred from previous handlers.
Calendar year end + 7 Year(s)
Disposition is 7 years from end of the calendar year to which the record pertains. Destroy after receipt of signed Form RC-108
This series documents reports of animals generally cared for in a group where animals are not individually identifiable.  Including but not limited to: medical evaluations; diagnostic test results; final necropsy reports; euthanasia records; accident, illness or incident reports;  vaccination certifications; breeding documentation; surgical records and other records documenting the treatment or care by a veterinarian or authorized person. May include records transferred from previous handlers.
Calendar year end + 7 Year(s)
Disposition is 7 years from end of the calendar year to which the record pertains. Destroy after receipt of signed Form RC-108
This series documents routine animal care included but not limited to daily animal check, feed/water check, temperature/humidity check, time of observations, cage changes, water bottle changes, filter changes, equipment sanitation.
Calendar year end + 7 Year(s)
Disposition is 7 years from end of the calendar year to which the record pertains. Destroy after receipt of signed Form RC-108
This series includes laboratory records created when conducting diagnostic testing of animals or routine testing for infectious disease (e.g. Coggins Test). Also includes laboratory records created during necropsy.
Last contact + 7 Year(s)
Destroy after receipt of signed Form RC-108
This series documents any research protocols the animal has been included in.
Calendar year end + 7 Year(s)
Disposition is 7 years from end of the calendar year to which the record pertains. Destroy after receipt of signed Form RC-108
This series documents any research protocols a group of animals have been included in.
Agency Specific Schedules: University of Connecticut: Cooperative Extension System
Participation end date + 5 Year(s)
Disposition is 5 years from date of last active participation. Destroy after receipt of signed Form RC-108
This series consists of member files (minors) for state 4-H clubs, programs, and events, including but not limited to: code of conduct; emergency notification forms; insurance and permission forms; sign-in/out sheets; activity participation records; media release forms.
Participation end date + 5 Year(s)
Disposition is 5 years from date of last active participation. Destroy after receipt of signed Form RC-108
This series consists of (adult) volunteer, leader, intern, and community service files associated with state 4-H programs. Including, but not limited to: recruitment and selection records; volunteer agreements; background checks; code of conduct; emergency notification forms; insurance and permission forms; work schedules; sign-in/out sheets; time sheets; orientation and training documentation; work history; media release forms.
Event date + 5 Year(s)
Disposition is 5 years from date of event or activity. Transfer to University Archives
This series documents 4-H programs and activities at the state, county, and club level. Including, but not limited to: flyers, brochures, participant lists, reports, studies, publications.
Event date + 10 Year(s)
Disposition is 10 years from date of event or activity. Destroy after receipt of signed Form RC-108
This series documents the medical information collected from participants in 4-H sponsored events.
Creation date + 5 Year(s)
Transfer to University Archives
This series documents activities and programs of Cooperative Extension in Connecticut for adults (i.e., Master Gardeners). Including, but not limited to: participant lists, flyers, reports, studies, publications.