Record Series Title
Record Series Title
Retention Schedule[Full Path]
Information Type
Keyword of [FullPath Or Essential Record Or Title Or Description Or Comments Or Code Or Record Type]
Record Series Code
Record Series Title
Minimum Retention
Agency Specific Schedules: Teachers' Retirement Board: All Agency Programs
Death date + 10 Year(s)
Disposition is 10 years from date of member's death.
Consists of records of individuals who contribute to the State Teacher's Retirement System, as well as those receiving contributions or benefits.  Includes, but not limited to applications for membership, for disability, for purchase of additional service, for withdrawal of voluntary account, or for withdrawal of a member's deposits; beneficiary designation; address/name change; annual statement of benefits; and appeals to the board.  Files are arranged alphabetically by member's last name.  Upon death of member, file is renamed to co-participant (spouse or beneficiary) or money is paid-out in a lump-sum.
Abandoned date + 50 Year(s)
Disposition is 50 years from date contributions are deemed abandoned as outlined in CGS Sec 10-183ee. Dispose after receipt of signed RC-108.
Consists of records of individuals who contributed to the State Teachers' Retirement System, but have not claimed their contributions or other such benefits.  Includes, but not limited to applications for membership, for disability, and for purchase of additional service; beneficiary designation; address/name change; annual statement of benefits; and appeals to the board.  Files are arranged alphabetically by member's last name.
Consists of data gathered about members who contribute to the State Teacher's Retirement System to provide a history of payroll, promotion, and discipline.  Includes, but not limited to data about salary, date of birth, social security number, marital status, telephone numbers, addresses, educational and medical history, and bank account information.  Files are arranged in hard copy binders.
Consists of data gathered about members who contribute to the State Teacher's Retirement System to provide a history of payroll, promotion, and discipline.  Includes, but not limited to data about salary, date of birth, social security number, marital status, telephone numbers, addresses, educational and medical history, and bank account information.  Files are arranged alphabetically by member's last name in database.