Record Series Title
Record Series Title
Retention Schedule[Full Path]
Information Type
Keyword of [FullPath Or Essential Record Or Title Or Description Or Comments Or Code Or Record Type]
Record Series Code
Record Series Title
Minimum Retention
Agency Specific Schedules: Human Rights and Opportunities, Commission on: Field Operations
Disposition date + 1 Year(s)
Destroy after receipt of signed Form RC-108.
Intake Dispositions (aka Inquiry Dispositions) consisting of one-page records of initial inquiries that never became formal affidavit complaints
Disposition date + 10 Year(s)
Destroy after receipt of signed Form RC-108.
Complaint Files (Housing) includes but is not limited to correspondence, notes, affidavit, HUD forms, investigative plan, status code history, stipulated agreements and any  supporting documentation.
Disposition date + 5 Year(s)
Destroy after receipt of signed Form RC-108.
Complaint Files (all others) includes but is not limited to correspondence, notes, affidavit, investigative plan, status code history, stipulated agreements and any supporting documentation.
Retain in Agency or Transfer to State Archives.
Hearing Files (Housing) consist of complaints that could not be resolved without a hearing.  These files include but are not limited to notice of hearing, complaint, answer, written applications, correspondence, depositions, pre-hearing motions, post-hearing motions, exhibits, transcripts, briefs, interim rulings decisions, hearing decision, appeals, supplemental decision, stipulated agreements and court decisions.
Retain in Agency or Transfer to State Archives.
Hearing Files (all others) consist of complaints that could not be resolved without a hearing.  These files include but are not limited to notice of hearing, complaint, answer, written applications, correspondence, depositions, pre-hearing motions, post-hearing motions, exhibits, transcripts, briefs, interim rulings decisions, hearing decision, appeals, supplemental decision, stipulated agreements and court decisions.
Declaratory Rulings
Retain in Agency or Transfer to State Archives.
Fact Finding files consist of Commission initiated investigations of state agency practices.  Includes but not limited to investigations, correspondence, and final report
Action date + 3 Year(s)
Disposition is 3 years from date of Commission action.  Destroy after receipt of signed Form RC-108. Connecticut Administrative Regulations Sec. 46a-68-55 require a 2 year retention.
State Agency Affirmative Action Plans Review files include but not limited to copy of agency plans, reviews summaries and correspondence
Project end date + 3 Year(s)
Disposition is 3 years from conclusion of project. Destroy after receipt of signed Form RC-108.
Contract Compliance Monitoring Report Files covers vendors of goods and services having contracts to do business with state agencies.  Includes affirmative action plans for contractors of public works projects required to file such plans.
Superseded date
Continuously updated
Database for tracking complaint files